Mar 31, 2011

Citibank: The case of burglary customer funds amounting to Rp17 billion (Tips Avoid Defrauding Account)

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - The case of burglary customer funds amounted to Rp17 billion at Citibank by employees should be a lesson. David Sumual banking observers describe three tips to avoid break-ins. 


First, customers do not easily believe in any related transactions though it was known a long time.
According to David, in burglary cases Rp17 billion in customer funds at Citibank, has not been published in detail the modus operandi by the police. But, at least, bank burglary suspects MD (47) is a senior relationship manager (RM). He is given the trust to handle all customer transactions.
Therefore, the MD knew close to its customers. I was so convinced, even entrusting all customer transactions to the MD. In fact, the SOP should not. Customers provide all data to RM including account numbers, passwords and user id.
Because I had known a long time, believe and as long as it was running well, customers submit data to the RM. "Once the trust, should be followed by the correct SOP. Therefore, the customer, do not fully believe in the RM, "he explained.
Second, customers must ensure that transactions are confirmed by auditors who control the risk of the transaction.
That is, according to David, the transaction is not only delivered to the business as MD, but also to be followed by the control of the risks (internal risk) and audits (internal auditors) so that a transaction can not be attributed only to 1 person only. "If not, the business tends to be manipulative and abusing his position," he added.
In the case of MD as the RM priority banking service or major customers (customer prime) with a very large fund. Customers of this type, usually lazy care of transfers, so handed it to one person who handles all activity related transactions with banks or investment. "Therefore, MD can break up to Rp17 billion, even larger than that," said David. Do not fully believe in the RM.
Third, the customer must make sure the transaction goes according to procedure.
According to David, the customer must ensure the entire transaction runs as it should. Especially, in terms of internal risk management and internal audit risk it. "In the case of MD, in collaboration with the burglary of his tellers. Moreover, RM cater for special customers, "he added.
As reported, a woman had the initials MD (47) employees of Citibank Indonesia burglary suspect customer's money in the bank where she worked. Concerned manipulate data and then transfer those accounts into his own account. As a result, many customers who become victims. 

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